Back to the School Daze!

Hi Everybody! Just checking in after getting firmly entrenched in yet another University semester. Yes indeedy, I have attended each of my 5 wonderful classes now, and believe that no changes are at this point necessary in my rather — uh — odd schedule [although I'd be much happier in this cold if the classrooms… Continue reading Back to the School Daze!


I think that's what I've realized in the last little bit: LIFE IS EXPENSIVE. Not that that should be new to anyone, really, but every little thing costs something. And right now… it's hitting my pocket book a little harder than most. Perhaps it's just because I've all my money tied up with this silly… Continue reading Expensive


So today was the beginning of a new me… a new look… a day of relaxation and pampering… (and an expensive one at that!) and WOW! So enjoyable! Who would have thought that a day at the Spa would be so darned enjoyable? (well… actually…!) So I think now, my outlook on the new year… Continue reading Pampered…

A New Year?

So I finally decide to jump on the blog/livejournal/whatchamacallit bandwagon, after having read various of these for months, if not years. It's a prime time to do so I guess, it being a new year and all. The Crappy-ness that was December is all over, and it's time to jump into the new year with… Continue reading A New Year?