Hi Everybody! Just checking in after getting firmly entrenched in yet another University semester. Yes indeedy, I have attended each of my 5 wonderful classes now, and believe that no changes are at this point necessary in my rather — uh — odd schedule [although I'd be much happier in this cold if the classrooms were a tad closer, or even just in a different order… or if I could actually have a Tuesday/Thursday lunchbreak].
So whether you wanted to hear it or not, here it is: –Drumroll please– *drumroll* my experiences back at the U!
Monday morning, not only was I not ready to wake up (hadn't been sleeping well) but I just plain wasn't ready to do pretty much ANYTHING quickly. But I soon amassed everything I needed for my classes and bundled myself off to school. Barely missing the LRT I should have been on (in order not to have to run in order to catch my class on time), I eventually made my way down the nearly empty corridors at a half-jog arriving only scant minutes before my prof began her lecture, this being at 9AM, a most wonderous hour for a class to begin (after having taken 8AM classes last semester, 9 is a beautiful hour to begin my learning day — especially with only one hour of classes to worry myself about). To my surprise the syllabus indicated a clear lack of final exam. *No final?* I thought *this seems almost a dream come true!* [oddly enough this 'dream come true' is no longer such a fantastic thing, given that all my courses save one include a relatively massive term paper… something I had once thought beyond my wildest dreams: A course in which I had to WRITE something, NEVER! but only a couple of years later life is presenting itself with the opposite situation, more written words than multiple choice questions… 'be careful what you wish for…'] After the prof made the course seem too good to be real even (and I dunno how she did this, considering the amount of work on my own time this is going to involve *groan* (maybe poor old lazy procratinating princess Ali [can't be King 'cause my other prof claimed that title himself today… his words not mine… and thus don't wanna even THINK what the title QUEEN would imply… ugh! ;)] will go on some long sleep and I'll actually get something accomplished ahead of time… I'd better what with 3 term papers due the same day!!!). Then I went home, cleaned (injuring myself only once, thank goodness), and headed off for a nice relaxing [yes I DID say relaxing] 8 hour shift at work.
Tuesday Morning:
So here the routine begins anew, and I skip off merrily to class with the barest of lunches (I was almost entirely out of food — of the reasonable variety that is given the lack of lunchbreak– ). The first class comes right after some Engineering class, and I plop myself down in the chair I most always use in that lecture hall (third row, right where my glasses actually help me, but where I don't have to worry too much about being too close nor far, or about being too far away to ask questions (I had heard that this was a discussion based course, and this would prove true in the coming minutes). Here we learn that the syllabus would be available in the course pack (odd, really), and that indeed there would be a nice term paper, and many discussion classes, plus readings. My second class is a bit more NORMAL (or as normal as any psych class really is: the profs are all quite… uh… er… Odd?), and yet again an essay is assigned (I also learn that one of my friends, from my Monday morning class had dropped the Monday class and was transfering out of the Tuesday one… she keeps transfering out of all my classes… coincidence I hope?). This time I'm VERY familiar with the prof (he DID give me my first and only ever A+ afterall!). Third class is also a familiar prof… and the only class where the number of exams/quizzes exceeds the number of pages of essays (well there aren't any essays, so that wouldn't be so hard, even with the 10 quizzes!). My last class also a refreshing sight, assigns yet another essay… and I head off to do some grocery shopping shortly afterwards.
Here's what I find so odd about the whole thing (aside from the presence of so many welcome(?) papers to write, all due about the same time): In each of my classes I know people… and keep running into more and more people I know. It seems VERY 'high school' (and I guess it should, given that I haven't seen more than a sliver of the majority of them since high school). Now if only I would stop making acquaintances with people whom I can only stand for short periods of time… it would be all so very much more splendid! 🙂
This may just turn out to be an AMAZING semester… that is if I manage to NOT leave all 4 essays (plus presentations etc.) to the very last minute as I am very apt to do!