Waking up from an odd dream… and then returning to a world of thought and reflection

So this morning I awoke from a truly bizarre dream. At this point, I don't remember most of the itty bitty details but the emotions of the dream felt so very very real. I remember a bit part where Laury was comforting me in my dream and that was filled with a wash of relief, because the dream was darn scary. And when I awoke, I wondered just how long the fears and worries that must have been percolating in my brain had been there, as I'd really never thought of them that way. Essentially the dream involved my family members (dad mainly but others were involved) not doing well health-wise. Specifically, people (in general) were very rotund in my dream (okay so take the most obese person you know and multiply that enough to be monstrous) and this fact was causing them traumatic health issues. And somehow this felt utterly real (must have been dream logic because I don't think that ANYONE I know would get quite to that point of physical ailment without some sort of intervention… PLEASE?!?!) and I think in my dream I went through all sorts of emotions to cope with this strange happening. I'm glad that dream is not reality.

Once I assured myself that dream reality couldn't possibly be real (to be honest it didn't take more than a few moments, though vestiges of my emotional response stuck with me enough that I am writing this now, of course!), my day was filled with some great thoughts as I was reading a good book: Sex at Dawn which I had been given as a fabulous birthday gift. It was a very engaging read, particularly as I have a decent amount of background knowledge of some of the things that both support and refute the arguments put forth. While I had started reading the book (and had gotten about halfway through) earlier this summer (after my birthday but before the August long weekend), I had stopped at a good stopping point, and the second half of the book was such that I had a hard time putting it down. It's not often non-fiction is that for me (though it does happen as it did with The Wisdom of Whores). I had to put it down to go to work but upon my return home I merely got myself a bowl of blueberries, milk and sugar and completed my read through of the book. I'm so very thankful to the friend who gifted this to me, and also for people I know and respect's enthusiasm about the book. I'm also glad I picked this up when I had, because, of course age and wisdom, education and awareness and much else besides (e.g. having seen Jane Goodall talk last summer in Switzerland) helps to make the book a more impactful read.