On social gaming…

So I really like my iPod Touch. I've liked it ever since JD got it for me, and I guess I mainly use it to play games (or for the internet and whatnot when travelling outside of Canada). Naturally I have a bunch of favorite games, but lately I've been on a bit of a social gaming kick, and realized that I really don't have many 'friends' listed either on my Game Center or who play the same games as me (well with the exception of Words with Friends and Hanging with Friends I guess… those games have a lot of players that I know through Facebook.

So I guess what I'm saying is that if you happen to be in the Game Center world, feel free to friend me (if I know you). My user name is ali_kira.
I play the following somewhat social Game Center games: TinyTower, DragonVale, Family Feud & Friends at the moment, though that may change. I'm on the leaderboards for a bunch of others but I play them considerably less frequently (I really would love to have more friends who play DragonVale to be honest… it doesn't seem to link to Facebook properly for example).

As for Facebook related games I play the following: Words with Friends, Lexulous (only on Facebook as of yet), Hanging with Friends, Family Feud & Friends, and well DragonVale doesn't seem to link properly to Facebook at the moment.

I also play Echo Bazaar (as a Twitter game) but I don't play the Facebook version for whatever reason.

I honestly keep away from most gaming when at my computer — due to the distraction that it poses, which is I guess the same reason I don't play many if any games on my smart phone (Motorola Atrix) keeping the more productive uses of Social media somewhat separate from the more 'fun' uses of it.

I really don't need game recommendations, but if you want to give me any, please limit them to iPod Touch compatible ones for the moment if you actually want me to play on occasion… many games have the ability to be played through the iPod Touch, and while not all are free, I will put paid game recommendations in my AppShopper so I can watch for sales and/or a time when I wish to buy them.

Now back to thesis work and whatnot.