Balance post

(I realize I've been posting in bursts and spurts lately, however that's simply how life works. I thought of posting this while riding the bus home tonight, and while I've posted a lot of other things lately this one felt important).

Balance is something I try to acheive in all areas of my life. Certainly it's a goal rather than something I believe I will acheive on a regular basis, however I do strive toward it. And to help gain this balance I find the people I associate with important. Lately (the past few months) a number of people have been crucial to helping maintain this balance, helping me develop into a better person and generally dealing with my interesting quirks. I really appreciate this, and while I'll likely miss a few people in this online posting, I figure I ought to do my best to thank people. It'll be brief, as I find thanking people in person far more useful than online, and I (as I always do) will only use first names, which preserves some annonymity, given that I know a LOT of people with the same first names. Of course I don't expect all of you to read this either, seeing as many of you don't pay attention to Facebook or LiveJournal or anything.

In no particular order:

Beth – thanks for being a good roommate lately.
John – I appreciate the fact that the transition will happen smoothly.
Colin – Elephants are awesome! You've also been a great friend and I'll miss you when you leave.
Heather – I appreciate your being there when life gets crazy.
Steve – who else has your perspective? Thanks.
Jackie – while you're far away, I appreciate your upbeat nature, it has helped me immeasurably.
Mike – thanks for encouraging me to actually sing at Karaoke… and feel comfortable coming out.
Kim – you will always be one of the people who know me best; I appreciate your being there
Peter – better friends I could not have — if only you weren't planning to leave!
Dianna – Thanks for staying in touch, as much as I so very rarely see you.
Dirk – thanks for answering the multitude of questions that have arisen as of late
Marisa – I can't help but smile when you compliment me
Grant – you have exposed me to a different side of myself, and provided me many reasons to smile.
Laura – you have an ability I lack in the field of organization, a trait I adore as of late.
John – thanks for new experiences and of course for the movie watching.
Devon – somehow you make me think about things in a different manner.
Roy – you've made things so much simpler
Tracy – Gosh, how apprciative I am of your hard work.
Louis – You don't know how much I appreciate the time you've put in and the fact that you communicate.
Angela – Reliability and heart combine to make your contributions shine.
Spencer – You impressed me, Spencer, and that wasn't just for any one reason.
Alex – Thanks for talking. It was immeasurably helpful.
Kevin – There aren't many who will step up to the plate, I thank you for taking on the responsibilities.
Marg – Your dedication has been more than fabulous.
Richard – You've been indispensible these last few months, and for that, your attitude and your helpfulness, I thank you.

Now, I've certainly not recognized everyone (that would be more than just impossible). However, I wanted to take the time to let you know that you matter to me, and will continue to matter. Thank you! 🙂