Last night I took advantage of my contest win and attended the City and Colour concert at the Jubilee with my brother. Not unsurprisingly I found the opener the best out of all three bands preforming — I love watching concerts at venues like the Jubilee btw, less stressful than the jostling standing type but also AMAZING accoustics!
The first band of the night, Black Lungs was pretty interesting. A really short set — I think I liked the keyboardist better than the singer (the singer, like City and Colour is also an alexisonfire bandmember.
City and Colour itself was pretty good but was so similar in songs that I started liking the ones with the addition of great drumming or tambourine or the singing of Sleepercar as additions better than the normal stuff. That plus the fact that it was all so mellow that it found me wanting to sleep made me consider this GREAT music not exactly perfect for me — in moderation I rather like the tunes but other than that… not something I'm going to seek out.
But Sleepercar… that's a band I totally enjoyed. More energy than the other two somehow, and somehow a more fun feel to it too. Loved how they looked on stage, and the fun of the harmonica playing and the guitars and keyboards etc. A very fun second opener. Logan even got me in the line to buy the CD after the show from the artist (nice guy it seemed in person too — which NEVER hurts). He signed the case (so my collection of signed CDs grows…).
Definitely a good time.