Yet another hotel room, though this time, a familiar hotel. I've made it safe and sound to Regina, and am enjoying my stay as of yet. Last night was a Kiwanis District board dinner at The Diplomat restaurant (loved the decor!), which was a pretty fancy steakhouse etc. It was good to see the board again — particularly in a relaxed setting like this one, though I was sad that the Alberta Ltgs are unable to attend (we miss you!).
Getting to know the Key Club Gov, Ian is really great as well. I'm definitely pleased with that opportunity. He seems like he'll be a great leader to help bring this 'fake' Key Club district (to apparently quote Mike Downs, so Ian explains) closer to charter strength… as it is I think Edmonton has 6 new Key Clubs in the works for the fall… so who knows!
Today is board meetings, until the actual district convention opens. Things should get interesting!