If you want me to ask you a different set of five questions, just post a comment to this entry, and ask.
Do you want to stay in Edmonton (and if not, where do you want to go)?
Edmonton (surprisingly to some people I suppose) is home. That said I'm open to the idea of living elsewhere (temporarily or permanently) depending on the proposal. Canada is home though. Alberta is home… and really unless I have rather good reasons, I'm staying in Edmonton 'cause I happen to really like it here. Of course I still want to travel loads!
What do you want to be doing in 5 years (I know this question is unoriginal, but I want to know)?
Well… there are several things. I'd like to be either raising a family or en route to raising a family (in otherwords either on route to a long term relationship/marriage/etc. to get to the having a family of my own, or already there). I will be a Kiwanian, and a member of a Kiwanis club with a relatively young average age. I will be a relatively successful TEAM True North member with my own business. I will be volunteering. I will likely be relatively financially secure. Hopefully I'll be writing more frequently with a modicum of success. I would like to be volunteering and helping people however possible. I will be done school… but still and always learning. I want to be traveling on a semi-regular basis.
What are the thoughts that plague you at night when you can't sleep?
Honestly… the dream of a family of my own… or in otherwords… men. I want to find someone eventually to settle down with and build dreams with. I'm not going to be a spring chicken forever and I worry (yeah… I'm still young and stuff but!)
What's the most positive sign you've seen that the world is going to be okay?
Kiwanians helping others. I mean CKIers/Kiwanians etc. are some of the most amazing people I know and every day they're out there working to make the world a better place. Everything from Arnold Nordstrom who's working on his http://www.anythingispossibletour.com to my friends consoling each other after the VT massacre to the chartering of the newest Kiwanis club in the area (North Edmonton), to CKIers doing all sorts of projects to… stuff like this always brings a smile to my face
What are your top 5 favourite books? Tough one! I don't know if these are my real answers but they'll do! 🙂
The Arrows of the Queen trilogy by Mercedes Lackey (and Many other Mercedes Lackey Books)
Harper Hall trilogy by Anne McCaffery (she was one of my fave authors for a long long time)
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (book's still better than the movie)
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaardner (the history of philosophy in a novel! So fun and thought provoking!)
The Electrical Field by Kerri Sakamoto (I love CanLit. And Sakamoto's books are great stuff!)
1. If you could go back to Montreal to live there permanently, what would you do (professionally, or otherwise)? Or is there ANOTHER place you'd rather spend your days?
I'd be a writer. Realistically I wouldn't necessarily want to live there permanently unless I had a job lined up first or some other good reason drawing me there, but it is a good place to be. I rather like living in Edmonton (see above!).
2. What puts you off the most?
I honestly don't know. Probably people who are completely and entirely superficial in their actions… but really I can't know that about anyone. How about using an apostrophe to pluralize words (gah!)? Bob the Angry Flower was SO right about that one!
3. If you could take back one action that you regret, what would it be?
One action? I don't know. One feeling — worthlessness, which affects many actions, yes.
4. If you were a character in 'Fiddler on the Roof' (whether this was 'Fiddler' on stage, or somehow in real life), who would you MOST like to be, and who would you LEAST like to be?
Most: Tzeitel. She gets to marry the love of her life, and he is her childhood best friend… plus nothing terribly horrible (except having to move away) happens to her.
Least: Perchik. Face it, as much as I like to do stuff for what I believe in, being imprisoned in Siberia wouldn't be much fun… even if the woman I loved were working nearby to help me.
5. If some evil alien decided he was going to take away your ability to speak or comprehend one of your languages, and you had no choice but to relent, which language would you give up?
I'd go with Japanese, since I remember the least of it. That said, I'd much rather not have to give up any languages!