The Halloween Dance this year was held at St. John's, so I walked. Only one person asked me if I was going to a Halloween party en route, and the walk was rather pleasant. I was of course wearing my costume (I was a black cat).
The dance itself was awesome (although there were still a few people with whom I didn't get to dance but wanted to). Some of the costumes were good golly amazing! Beth was even second place for women for the costume contest! I really loved Mark's costume as Westley from The Princess Bride… no one could have done a better Man in Black costume!! The Man in the Yellow Hat (from Curious George) was also a great highlight, as was Chuck Norris, and let's not forget The Griffin family (from Family Guy)! I doubt I could have seen a better Meg ever! The plethora of pirates there were just fabulous… the bunch of grapes looked akward. I was one of a bunch of black cats (Kim was another! It was great to see her again of course!). Other costumes included Yoshi (well actually a frog, but it looked so much like Yoshi!), Kermit the Frog, and so many more!
My feet still hurt from dancing so much (and I guess from wearing some annoying shoes earlier in the week), but good golly did I ever have fun! Not only that, but even though I didn't dance the last waltz I was in one darn good mood! And our pumpkin won (well… we were the only ones to enter, Elaine and I that is but whatever!!).
BP's afterward was good — I didn't notice Alan's Battlestar Galactica patch on his jacket until then. I ate just enough food and slept really well last night — a short but good sleep.
In other news: I REALLY wish that we had some more good employees where I work. If anyone needs a place to work, PLEASE come join me here! I've been here for 5 years and have NEVER been as silly (by not showing up to work or being late for example etc.) as some of my co-workers (hopefully soon to not be co-workers, or to not do these things so often). I like the hours but would prefer not to be so short-staffed on a regular basis thank you very much!
A lot of people I know have been celebrating birthdays around now. I hope that they've been good ones!