So, apparently although I've the day off, none of the people with whom I had wanted to get together today are either a) available or b) want to do so. Great.
So I was thinking of hitting up the Rivercity Shakespeare Festival and would love some company… we'll see if that happens. I know that I won't see Hamlet (it's not playing on any of the dates I have available, certainly not today!), but the Taming of the Shew today will be fun!
I feel stupid for not having emailed the DATE of my birthday in the email that I sent out. It's on the 24th.
I'm kind of frustrated with my CD that I'm listening to at the moment. I love the CD so much (dany bedar, acoustique… en studio!), but it's been skipping like no tomorrow… *sighs*. I've been able to finagle it to work a bit better but still frustrating.
Yesterday I was in a perfect mood… today I'm in a sea of unknown. Yay for mood changes, really!
In other news, I'm happy to be in contact with friends with whom I had earlier lost touch.