Ali's going away potluck gathering!

You're invited (provided I know you) to a casual going away party/potluck!

Who: all my awesome friends (and if you don't think you're awesome, I do!) I really do want to see you before I disappear!

What: a casual potluck (and YES this means a REAL potluck! Feel free to let me know what you're bringing and if you'll need fridge/freezer/stove/oven space or something, but I'm not assigning anything to anyone, and really that's not required: it's a TRUE potluck, meaning bring what you feel like bringing! If we end up with twelve mac & cheese dishes or two dozen chocolate cakes, so be it! I don't want you to have to do crazy lots of work for this)

When: June 2nd, 2006. Starting at around 6PM until whenever.

Where: Ali's apartment (if you need the address just contact me directly)

Why: to catch up and say goodbye as I'll be flying off to Montreal for the remainder of the month of June on the weekend, returning after the first full week of July. I have been doing a dismal job of staying in touch with some of you and really do want to see you again

How: RSVP as soon as possible (by reply, email or phone). Yes you can drop in if you'd like, but I'd really love numbers, so let me know if you think you'll show up. Feel free to be late if need be also, but I'd love to know who to expect (and hopefully when)! If you've friends or guests who'd like to come along run it by me first (just so I know) if you can.

As for what we'll be doing? There'll be food, great conversation, the possibility of cards, poker, board games (or any other casual pursuit that strikes our collective fancy that we have the stuff for I suppose)… really, it's casual folks! 🙂 I simply won't have the time to organize anything more elaborate given all the packing and other preparations.