So this week is turning out excellently. Not only are my classes going excellently, but my mailbox is also treating me well with little perks (like freebies and contest entries and coupons etc.!). Poetry is being written, although I'm not terribly pleased just yet with my glosa, I've still another week or so to work on it!! It's been good to see some of my friends that I hadn't had the chance to spend much time with recently. I feel like my life's in the perfectly right place, with the exception of the cluttered messy state of my apt (which I surely need to work on!).
I'm so incredibly satisfied with the current state of affairs in any case!!
Enjoying life!
Now to send some emails to people concerning the CKI secret santa… 😉
edited to add: Flights to Houston for Mexico trip booked! I really will be going to build houses!! 🙂 This truly is an amazing week!! 🙂