So here's my current plan:
Who: Hopefully a bunch of my friends 🙂
What: a casual potluck and possibly games (possibly Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition, or cards, or various others…) night — bring a potluck item and if you would like, a game of some sort. Potluck items: to simplify the process… once people give an idea of what they are bringing I should be posting a list of what's already coming food-wise.
Where: My apartment (email or phone if you want an address)
When: Friday April 29th, 2005 — hopefully arrive around 5pm or between 4-6pm… but you can likely drop in any time throughout the evening. Let me know in advance.
Why: Because I haven't seen most of my Edmonton-area friends for like ages… and I finally will have some time to catch up with all of you for a casual fun time.
How: Please RSVP as soon as possible, so that I know who's coming, what to expect, etc.