So the last blog posting I wrote here talked about one chapter of my life ending and another beginning. Then I promised myself that I would actually take the chance to enjoy the month of May before job hunting in more earnest in June and beyond. And I think I've accomplished that to a certain extent thanks in part to the serendipitous timing of May being Yelp Fit Club. In the month of May I attended 9 different fitness classes or events (out of the 13 available ones) for free all hosted by Yelp. This was great as I got to try things like a surf fitness class, barre, power yoga, boxing, and much much more besides. At this stage I'm tempted to buy a 10 pass to a local gym for High Intensity Interval Training, but in the interim I probably should get the bike out of storage and continue the walking adventures that this summer is all about.
Because as soon as May ended, I began a walking/step challenge (started by some friends on Facebook) and you know what, although I don't actually own or wear a step counter, I'm doing a reasonably good job when only counting my mini-workouts at home and my walking adventures out and about town (of course the fact that I walked 14 km on Wednesday has something to do with that). I mean I know that my steps are only approximated by distance traveled but that'll do for me because I have no desire to get a step counter, given that I often don't wear clothing compatible with such devices and/or the wrist ones irritate my wrist issues.
And I still have wrist issues. The fit club classes reminded me of this fact repeatedly as I consistently have to modify moves to deal with my wonky wrists (somedays I wish I knew why my body acted up on occasion). My wrist issues are darn minor in most cases however, and as long as I remember to modify certain moves and not do them, I'm golden. So there's that! 🙂
In January I had focused a lot on reading every single day. So one of the splurges after finishing my job was comics and I'm now able to pick up quite a bit of different reading material. Likewise I have lots of DVDs and Blurays to catch up on which is nice. I've also really enjoyed getting out and seeing things in my city be they of political import or just for the fun of it. Long ago I learned that if I hermited myself at home for too long (longer than about one day actually) I start getting down on myself. So remembering every day to plan to do at least SOMETHING outside the house has become pretty important.
And yes, now that it's June, my list of things to splurge on is a bit more manageable, I've gotten a few of the more important things sorted out (investments, some insurance, etc.) and others have begun, and I've begun working on the job hunt again in earnest. There's at least one position that would be AMAZINGLY AWESOME on so many levels that I've applied for this week and I really hope that I get an interview (I need to practice my interview skills terribly badly too).
And I've been doing some volunteering too, which is nice. I'm feeling a bit more balanced in my life these days though it's always a day-to-day struggle/adventure to figure out exactly where that balance ought to be. This is likely going to be the case from here on, really. But small victories deserve to be celebrated. And life is a great celebration. So here's to the completion of an excellent (if perhaps overly stressful on occasion) month of May, and to a great June and beyond. 🙂 Perhaps I'll blog more frequently too?