I was reflective on my walk home from New Year's Parties in the wee hours of this morning. I realized that it had been 11 years since I began this blog. And that while I sometimes write every day here at other times I ignore it for perhaps months at a time. It is a good interface for longform blogging (in comparison to Twitter and Facebook for much shorter musings). And much has changed in that time. For one I'm 11 years older of course! 😉
That day 11 years ago I had drunk my first full drink of alcohol. I had ballroom danced the night away. I had spent time with friends some of whom are still my friends today, others who have drifted away and whom I see much more rarely, and at least one who is no longer living.
In contrast this new year's I worked on New Year's Eve before heading to two parties. The first was a quiet board game themed affair where I won Alhambra (for probably my first time ever! woo!) and got to wish some great friends a happy new year. Then I went to a party of friends where we played Fibbage and Drawful… both of which being games that I was remarkably skilled at (I was surprised too!). But it wasn't the games that I cared about most, really. It is the connections with people that matter most to me. And it was nice to spend the evening/wee hours of the morning with some rather rad people most of whom I did not know at all in 2004. Yes I miss ballroom dancing. Yes I miss many of the friends with whom I used to pass the time in years gone by but you know what? I'm quite happy with where I am now and with the people I do choose to spend my time with.
This holiday season has been a good one though occasionally a stressful one. I have had the joys of spending time with many different folks from family to friends and acquaintances. Even last night I met some new individuals who seem rather rad to me. I've also watched quite a number of movies as of late: Interstellar, Frozen, the third Hobbit film, The Imitation Game, Dead Snow and Dead Snow 2 all in approximately 8 days (though the last four were on one single film-filled day).
Yes 2015 begins with me being tired, but I'm also excited about what this coming year will bring. And I'm not nearly as down on life as I might have been in the wee hours of January 1 2004 when I started this blog. To one and all reading this, I wish you an absolutely awesome 2015! 🙂