Post of positivity!

All too often on social media, blogs, and news etc. the focus is on the negative, whether it's because someone's experienced discrimination, there's been a negative news story, or someone's just purely having a bad day. So today I thought I would type a bit about my yesterday which included a lot of very positive moments (well at least until the clock struck midnight and my Internet went down… but that was a good time to go to bed anyway and midnight can be considered a new day anyway so there! 😉 ).

Firstly my review of The Lingnan on Yelp was featured as Review Of The Day (ROTD). This is the second time I've had a review on that site featured as a review of the day and that's pretty edifying to begin with. This also means that for one day I'm getting compliments from all around the Yelp community from people who enjoy my review for whatever reason. Sometimes these compliments include some pretty nifty stories and I was pretty happy with this. As a Yelp Elite member I'm a pretty active user of the site, and things like this only encourage me further.

The previous day I had finally called my landlord regarding the bathroom sink which hadn't been draining properly for quite some time (and I had declogged it a bit with mild household remedies but this wasn't sufficient). I had texted him a while back so he knew it was becoming an issue but it was when the U shaped pipe beneath the sink had started dripping significantly that I called and left a message with him texting me back shortly thereafter that a plumber was called and would be on his way. So when I got home from work last night I was darn happy that not only was the sink repaired, the entire pipe (including sink stopper and everything!) was completely replaced and working splendidly, but more importantly the plumber had actually cleaned up nicely after the job was complete (no more puddle under the sink, the old pieces taken away, no boot prints on the floor etc. This was a wonderful relief!)

At work yesterday I got a Facebook message from a co-worker who is an amazing cook (she works two full-time jobs and the other one involves her cooking). She was offering a full meal deal (a substantial one) including a 7 oz chicken cordon bleu for $7. This was my delicious dinner last night and I so enjoy her cooking. It totally made my day all the happier!

I really enjoyed my online time yesterday (including email, YouTube, social media, etc. of course), but I was super pleased to fill out a form online because I had won the $200 monthly prize from one of the survey companies I participate in! This will be great for the holidays (and/or for personal spoiling) depending on when the cheque arrives. Regardless it was a nice bonus for having participated in this Alberta-centric research community.

Finally, recently one of my redditgifts recipients for a long past exchange finally answered my messages this week regarding the fact that he hadn't posted that he had received his gift for the lego exchange. He was a rematch of mine, so I felt really bad that he hadn't received it, particularly since I had had such success with in the past (shipping to other countries and areas can get frustrating if you don't know what sites to use). But a simple email to LEGO in the previous days had resulted in LEGO reshipping the item that had gone missing (I would blame FedEx actually as their tracking info indicated that they left the item even though they were supposed to card it out according to the policy information on the site for that kind of delivery)… and no additional charges for me! My recipient messaged me yesterday to let me know that he had finally received it and that was awesome. I enjoy making people happy.

So generally yesterday was filled with positivity and I hope that future days include more positive moments.