So, as the temperatures continue to be ridiculously frigid, I venture more and more often out of my apartment (which honestly isn't as warm as I would like it to be. Mind you, I don't trust my internal thermometer, but the building hallway is SO MUCH warmer than my apartment, which I find rather strange).
Candy Cane Lane was MUCH nicer on foot than on the bus. Sure, a lot of it was the company, but even as we were freezing out there on foot, it was beautiful to take it all in.
And I guess with Christmas nearly upon us, it feels awesome to be done my preparations: gifts are bought and wrapped, cards are all sent, the apartment is as decorated as it ever gets (of course seeing as I don't spend Christmas here, it doesn't need much by way of decor), and I'm finally allowed to open some gifts.
The Goldfishlegs Christmas Gift exchange day is today so I got to open my first package (wrapping gifts in packing tape is annoying btw, if you're ever contemplating trying this). It was nice to get a mix of useful and superfluous gifts. Sure not everything is perfect (it never is) but I always find a use for most things I get at this Canada-wide Secret Santa!
And I'm looking forward to exchanging gifts with my roommate tonight — as I'll be departing for home early on the 24th and have plans on the evening of the 23rd, and don't want to keep her up late (or maybe I'm just impatient or something).
On another note, I got the Twilight soundtrack that I won from TeenFlare in the mail today. It's surprisingly not bad. Of course I rather do have a tendency to enjoy soundtracks from movies I've never seen — I own soundtracks for Juno, and Charlie's Angels as well, both movies I've also never seen.
I like my 'winning contests' bad habit sometimes… especially when it works to my advantage, as much as I often win things I don't particularly have a hankering for, it does open my eyes to possibilities and exposes me to things I would have not otherwise considered.
It'll be nice to finish work tonight, and have four glorious days off. The sad part is always that I can't really wear my Santa hat after Christmas at work.