So now that I'm pretty much healed from my week of being sick (I'm DEFINITELY not a fan of illness), I've been able to get out and indulge in a few of the activities that make life awesome — especially in springtime! 🙂
For example, I attended not one but TWO book launches on Thursday! Alice Major's new book of Poetry, The Office Tower Tales, was introduced by a performance of it by herself and two actresses at the CBC stage. Gail Sidonie Sobat's Gravity Journal was likewise performed this time by a spoken word group. Both launches were excellent (though I am partial to Gravity Journal having read it and numbering it among the best books I've read this year).
Friday I had a BEAUTIFUL and leisurely walk to campus for the Spring Craft Show (2nd annual) at the Butterdome — I love the yearly Winter/Christmas one and so this one, while smaller and more relaxed was a great treat — in fact I treated myself to a top (by Phage — and I adore it! It was so hard to choose, as all the graphics appeal to my sciencey mind), a new bootyfly bag (I've been wanting one for AGES [years!]), some pasta sauce and some maple products (if you don't already realize that I prefer Maple to chocolate, well then you simply don't know me well enough — and I do LOVE maple!). Walking home with the heavy-ish packages was mildly less fun but a great walk none-the-less.
I've been reading the Chronicles of Prydain. I had never read them until studying Taran Wanderer last fall, but am devouring the series voraciously. I'm currently on book 3 (and Taran Wanderer was book 4) and so am more than halfway through the series. Great stuff!
Thanks to Matthew and Tessa for their hospitality last night. It made me realize just how much I miss playing console games and other computer games of that sort when we picked up the Wii. I still maintain that of all the gaming systems out there that's by far my favorite. No More Heroes was a great gaming fun time — though I still can't drive in computer games very well. Thebes turned out to be an AMAZING board game. Definitely one of the best I've played lately. Ruk-shuk was less impressive — possibly since I wasn't nearly so skilled at it as Bandu. *shrugs* I lost Thebes completely but still had a great time playing that.
Anywho… HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! 🙂 You all deserve to be pampered. Yes, even you too, Mother Earth! 🙂 And so off I go to work this Sunday evening.