Updates from Ali's world

So you (presuming that you read my LJ regularly or my Facebook or whatever) have probably noticed that I've been posting an awful lot of quizzes as of late rather than actually interesting/useful content (whether you believe quizzes to be useful or interesting is another story entirely). Well… as a brief update here's a few things that are happening in Ali's world:

Saturday: Murder Mystery CKI social! (And really, I can't wait!) I need to remember to bring my camera to this one — as I'm sure that everyone will look amazingly awesome!! (not to mention the suspense of who the killer(s) will be and the victim(s) and how they will be killed etc).

Sunday: My day to cook for the Joy Luck Club weekly gatherings!! I'm making a rather simplistic meal (taco salad/wraps in a make your own variation) and I hope that a fair number of awesome people [including new faces] attend.

Top Hat & Tails: how could I not be looking forward to the 50th Anniversary of the Ballroom dance club?? BTW… speaking of the UADC, I did a rather fun job of seconding the vast majority of things at the General Meeting (which was highly amusing!).

Vegas: yes indeed, in May I'll be travelling to Vegas with a number of my great former I-Board members from CKI. I'm rather looking forward to seeing everyone again not to mention the fun of getting to see Vegas and whatnot!

Europe: Mom and I are travelling via an Insight Vacations Tour to Europe this June which I'm completely psyched about — my co-workers totally know it by this point!!

LSSP/ICON: Here, Sheena is doing a splendid job at inviting awesome people to partake and so on from our neck o' the woods… and I'm totall looking forward to Portland as a result!

Classes for next year: I can register in less than a week now. I'm frustrated that the two classes that (yes I'd have to qualify for) I'd really really like to get into are offered at the SAME TIME urgh! But it'll be my last year of University for the moment so I better find some darn awesome courses. Does anyone have any good suggestions for a fun class or two I should consider??

Take care all! And enjoy the glorious weather (yay for wearing skirts again, sandal weather is not that far off!) 🙂