Lotsa memes?

Your 80s Theme Song by Kat007
One Letter From Your Name
One Number From Your Birthdate:
Eye Color:
Your 80s Theme Song: Nothing Compares to You by Sinéad O'Connor
Quiz created with MemeGen!

huh. And my dad used to want me to go for that trademark hair style… which is not happening.

Who were you in a past life?
by Kat007
Favorite Color:
You were most probably: Countess Elizabeth Bathory
If not then you were: A nobody named Sal
Quiz created with MemeGen!

sure… why not?

Your band by jesus_spiced
Pick an obscenity
You will be the Lead Guitarist
Your groupie will be _g_
Your cover band will be started by swim5chick
Debut CD name Led Zeppelin VII
Your next tour is January 3, 2005
Opening band Some local ska band
You sound like a mix between The White Stripes
and Avril Lavigne
Band quirk Your music ended slavery
Typical band cliche You make Behind the Music in 5 years
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Somehow… this is a tad unrealistis… just somehow… 😉

In other news… having a totally relaxing me day was totally worth it. Tomorrow I'll perhaps delve into the shopping again (when will I find that top I am looking for??) get groceries, send some CKI emails… and of course fit some fun in there somewheres.

Also, another observation for the day… sitting down and reading a good sci-fi novel (which I've probably read before, but didn't really remember and truly enjoyed) feels SO utterly good after not doing so for such a long long time. Yay for the Wee Book Inn yet again!