So…. apparently cashiering at my grocery store with like 1.5 hands/arms fully functional is pretty annoying. Typing on this computer is worse. I'm still working… but no express shifts (I'm not fast right now anyhow)… and I'm not liking the pain. I've been instead focusing on arts and crafts most of which mostly involve the use of my right hand, and watching a lot of tv. I even caught a bit of that show with Beauty and the Geek… very interesting actually. I was rather surprised. And Outer Limits was on! As was poker (I know… I never watch poker on tv… but the reception was okay… and it's always interesting to watch imho). As you can likely tell I'm not enjoying the hand thing… *shrugs* It's hard not being online as often as usual… and I wish I was being more productive with CKI things, but it HURTS.
In other news: I STILL have ONE Ticket left for the concert on Canada Day. Any takers?????