Dancing again! :)

Yesterday felt great… that is after my first aid course was over (I repeat: yay for not having to go through that rigamarole for another 3 years! 🙂 ).

I actually went ballroom dancing again, after like 6 months, I was quite astonished at my ability to remember stuff. A great Viennese Waltz, a tango, a hustle, waltz, rhumba, cha-cha and a bunch of other fabulous dances… Yegads that feels great…! And, I even introduced Curtis to the dance floor (quite inadeptly I might add… but great people like Darren certainly helped!).

Suffice to say, it's been an adventure these past few days. But a good one. As I told my roommate: it feels like I've been thrown a boomerang… and I've caught it… and am rather pleased with the result.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming 😉
Time to get some CKI work done before work! 🙂