Counting down the lists Quiz

13 random things you like :
01. My friends
02. CKI
03. Stickers
04. The colour red
05. Communicating
06. Helping People
07. My apartment
08. Reading
09. Good food
10. Travelling
11. Music
12. Photos
13. Ballroom Dance

12 movies you enjoy :
01. Nice Girls Don't Explode (I gotta get that one sometime!!)
02. Sleeping Beauty
03. The Pianist
04. The Princess Bride
05. Where the Heart Is
06. The X-Men Movies
07. 10 Things I Hate About You
08. The Harry Potter Movies
09. The Matrix (Trilogy)
10. The American Pie Movies
11. Johnny Depp Movies (I can't choose!)
12. A bunch of Robin Williams movies

11 good bands/artists :
01. Lamb
02. The Beatles
03. Aerosmith
04. Bob Marley
05. Sarah McLaughlan
06. Celine Dion
07. Steve Miller Band
08. The Byrds
09. Goo Goo Dolls
10. Savage Garden
11. Air

10 things about your physical appearance :
01. Brown eyes
02. Longish hair
03. Average build
04. 5'3.25
05. Hairy Toes
06. Really thick nails
07. Great shoulders
08. Dainty hands (so I'm told)
09. Round face
10. Unpearced ears.

9 good friends :
01. Kim
02. Anastasia
03. Josh
04. Lana
05. Shelly
06. Brendan
07. Krista
08. Brad
09. And so many others that I don't want to forget to list!

8 favorite foods/drinks :
01. Japanese (esp. when my grandma makes it!)
02. Exotic (or interesting) pizza
03. Bubble Tea
04. Cheese
05. Artichokes
06. Broccoli
07. Spinach
08. Raspberries

7 things you wear daily :
01. Underwear
02. Bra
03. a top of somesort
04. Watch
05. a bottom of somesort
06. moisturizer?
07. toner?

6 things that annoy you :
01. When my computer(or internet) crashes/doesn't work
02. When I don't hear what I need to know back from the University
03. When I'm trying to contact people and no one answers
04. When I have my birthday and end up in tears as a result (*sighs*)
05. When I blank during an exam
06. When I forget something important!

5 things you touch every day :
01. My face
02. My computer
03. My phone
04. Food
05. My bed

4 shows you watch :
01. CSI
02. ER
03. the news
04. various reality/other shows

3 celebrities you have a crush on :
01. I don't really.
02. n/a
03. nada

2 people on lj that you have kissed :
not applicable.

1 person you could spend the rest of your life with :
01. How about ME? 😉 (no really… that's likely the only person I will do so with… afterall, 100% of my life is spent with me)