Song lyrics wander my young lost mind…

So here I am… the day after it all. And I can breathe a sigh of relief… and happiness… as that which happened happened so successfully that I can hardly believe our luck!
I'm going to miss hanging out with all of our out of town visitors though. It was such fun, really. Sometimes you never know just how fun something can be… like Glow-In-The-Dark Mini-Golf for example. And it always feels good to be able to show off our town.
But what I'd really like to do is thank Anastasia for all the amazing work she put into this weekend. I don't think that she knows how much we appreciate all the many hours she puts in to making things go right. I'm very happy that things went as successfully as they did this weekend, but I'm happier that she was able to pull it all off. Then again, perhaps it would have been easier with a larger group of people available to help, but it will take time to determine how best to utilize her resources to her best advantage. In any case, a zillion hugs and praises to Anastasia!!!!!
In other news… I think in the future we should attempt to deliver our out of town guests to the bus depot in a more timely manner… I think Louis is getting rather TOO entertained at the fact that they tend to be among the last to board their bus on a regular basis. But it all works out in the end.
Now if only we could have a money tree (just a small one that didn't cause inflation [Brendan!]) to help cover some of our district expenses… and some flying dragons to cover the transportation issues (a la Pern-style), then I think we'd have it made!

On to the next obstacle!