So this morning was my annual fun of participating in Read In Week! And this time I went to Brander Garden Elementary School and met with a French Immersion grade three class and an English grade one class. In total I read three books (all of which I brought — I gave the kids a choice between 4 books and so it was nice to read three of them!).
And it was amusing overall. One kid didn't want to have a job when he grew up. One girl wanted to go to high school when she grew up! Several kids were FASCINATED by my socks (some even figured out that they were a video game)! Lots of kids loved the concept of reading pictures! And a teacher wrote down one of the titles of one of the books with the desire to buy it for her classroom and family! We also heard the morning announcements and stood to sing O Canada (in English and French mixed) along with the kids.
I could gush all day, but I do love reading to kids. I really do! 🙂 Read In Week was most excellent! So I thank Curtis (who I only met today) who provided me a ride, Hermina for directing me to the appropriate classrooms, and all the teachers and kids who made this part of my morning awesome! 🙂