
Realistically I have a ton to be thankful for. And I don't often feel like I thank people enough for what they do for me or what they do for others. Sure there are thank you cards, and saying thanks and typing out emails of appreciation and whatnot, but there's so much I want to say thanks for these days, even if I feel like complaining about the little things at times — I'm honestly so lucky to be whom I am.

So thank you. To all of you who make me happy, who make others happy, to all who better people's days, to all who provide hope, hugs, and happiness be it in a little comment, a tweet, a Facebook message, a phone call, an in person discussion, or really any mode of communication at all.

And yes, I will continue to write thank you notes. I mailed out three this week, in fact. And I will continue to be thankful for all that you do, you who have impacted me or who have helped others.