… tonight, during a 15 minute break from work, I walked to Jasper ave and saw a little segment of the torch relay. I even took my very first video with my phone and some (somewhat blurry) photos with my phone. The photos can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2182082&id=120402019&l=2b7236353b
Here the video should be (it's my first time posting a video to YouTube so it may take a while to work):
I'm not planning on editing it or anything either — I rather don't want to go to the trouble when the original video isn't that great to begin with. Not bad considering I was certain that I would be missing the whole thing, as I was working from 12:30-8:30. It was a slow day at work though — VERY slow not just for me up in the office but for the whole store seeing as the roads were somewhat impassable for a large part of the evening, due to the torch relay.
I did however nearly fall asleep at work after the relay. I was really tired AND reading perhaps one of the driest books: the Occupational Health and Safety Code and whatnot for Alberta. Regardless it has otherwise been a really decent day: school went well as did work (well the work part of my day where I wasn't trying not to fall asleep, but was actually getting work done).
I do think I need more sleep however.