Highlights and Lowlights — aka. random comments about life the universe and everything I'm

desiring to write on this blog (these comments reference all sorts of happenings from this week).

— There's tape art in Rutherford Library!
— Trying a Starbucks beverage that I actually liked (fancy that!)
— Actually singing at karaoke (thanks Mike) last night.
— The fact that Carla loved my Kermit the Frog T-shirt last night.
— Finally successfully meeting with a banker at TD Canada Trust
— The ability to vote online in the SU elections
— Listening to the voices of people who can actually sing at Karaoke last night.
— The fact that I finished Dany Laferriere's Comment faire l'amour avec un Negre sans se fatiguer today in time to go to his lecture (which begins shortly).
— The fact that today's my day off.
— Spending copious amounts of time in libraries…
— Meeting new and AWESOME people at karaoke
— Realizing just how small the world is for the gazillionth time, and not just with Facebook.
— Finding yummy quick service food to eat when rushing from point A to point B
— Finishing my readings in time for class.

— falling asleep (or very near to) in class today.
— Still not knowing about grad school!! (this is my pet peeve today, it's really eating at me. Especially as I know other schools and programs are letting their students know already… gah! At least upon looking it up the website claims I'll know regarding their first round of decisions by March 31st at the latest, but I'm losing my patience)
— Standing out in the cold this morning waiting for a bus that did not appear
— A stomach churning from cheap Thai foodcourt food
— Snowdrifts deep enough to reach my knees (I want skirt weather damn it!).
— The fact that I missed Nicole's participation in the Edmonton 2009 Poetry Faceoff
— Not knowing my work schedule as far in advance as the union agreement indicates that I should know about. It's all I ask, really, but, this definitely seems to be a pipe dream.
— The fact that my computer doesn't want to go into SLEEP mode and stay there. It keeps waking up for no reason that I can fathom and so I go and turn it off.
— The slowness of campus computers (yegads, am I ever thankful for my own home computer!)
— Not feeling like there are often enough hours in the day.
— Realizing that the school term is nearly over and that I have quite a few assignments to work on eventually in the next few weeks.
— People (and there are a rather lot of these) who do not communicate effectively or regularly or who do not answer email/phone/Facebook/etc. messages at all.
— Missing playing computer games/D&D. Yes, a story we analyzed in class today made me miss D&D, okay? Gaming of any sort will fill this void. Board gaming included.
— The fact that small business bankers are only available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
— Having a headache.
— Knowing that I have a short fantasy story due on Tuesday but having no idea what to write.

Now that that's off my chest for the time being, I intend to enjoy the rest of my day.