that is if you consider 'my great accomplishment of the summer' (well aside from this wonderful attestation that says I completed my studies at UQAM in French with my NAME SPELT WRONG… I suppose that's a rather nifty accomplishment too — fortunately a quick call to Monique and an email to the language school means that I will hopefully be sent a new one) as fantastic as I do: *drumroll please*
I finished watching all the episodes from the first five seasons of Gilmore Girls!!
yes, that might just mean that I'm pathetic and need a social life beyond the walls of my apt, especially given the rather gorgeous weather as of late. Perhaps that means that I just might need a break in between my galavanting the countryside attending functions and sightseeing… maybe it means that I needed the mental-pick-me-up that is one of my favorite television shows of all time…
Regardless, I am a huge fan of the first five seasons (I've watched VERY little of season 6, and can't wait for the DVDs to come out to see it in sequence). Much fun! 🙂
Next on the to-do list is to continue reading and reviewing books for Elle magazine (they're rather amazing books afterall!).
Oke doke… back to all the other things I need to do before the drive up North along with the Boston trip.