Listening to people complain…


Or at least that's what I spent most of my day celebrating as of yet. Nothing too extraordinary: Standing in lines, standing in crowds, and of course exploring whatever was available downtown… but worthwhile.
In line for cake samples (unfortunately people budded ahead and thus I didn't get to sample the really good stuff *sighs*) I heard some rather closed minded comments. Asian people ARE NOT all rude. Nor are Asian people all incorrect riders of public transit. (and so on) When in line, one should NOT jump up ahead or behind just to get some sort of treat. Proper manners are useful most often, regardless of how others are behaving, especially if they have not done anything to hurt you! It frustrates me to see how juvenile-ly adults act sometimes. A few times, just overhearing comments made me want to turn (I didn't) and say something. HONESTLY! Besides beggars can't be choosers: we got free cake afterall! *sheesh* What's with this world anyway sometimes?

The rededication of Churchill Square was kind of fun. I was pleased to have a decent view of the stage, and actually catch a free rubber duckie when the men from Epcor threw them. Not only that but the cultural entertainment was really entertaining! Krispy Kreme donuts were available to the first 7000 people that came through, so I evidently had my first Krispy Kreme donut. Nothing terribly special, although really fresh and rather yummy. Cram Dunk has similar quality ones if you get them super fresh. The Krispy Kreme hat is just like me Steak 'n Shake one, so it was good and fun. I'm not going to complain about my free chocolate coin either.

The interpreters in City hall were rather amusing in costume. The furs were very authentic. And of course the guy in the 1991-2004 costume was quite suitable, really! I wonder why I couldn't find the person from the '80s anywhere. All the historic items were great to see, especially the pictures from Edmonton Transit of their busses and Edmonton through the ages. Nice to see all the cultural tables, and of course the brand new books on Edmonton that came out this year. If they weren't so expensive, I would have liked one. History is afterall fun! The Aboriginal Village re-creation was okay, not great but the food was good, as it had been a while since I had had some good bannock. Why the weather has been so great lately I do not know, but I'm not going to be complaining, evidently. Old cars, and a glance at the ol' Popcorn Playhouse (didn't grow up in the '70s or earlier in Edmonton though, so I have no clue about that TV show) stuff was enlightening.

Overall, it was a good few hours spent downtown. I look forward to seeing all the great new uses for Sir Winston Churchill Square.

If only people wouldn't give such a poor impression of Edmontonians by their complaints!