What else should I say? The title of this blog post really does sum up what I want to be saying here. I won a Tassimo last night at the work Christmas party (JD got a gift basket so we made out rather well, considering). I'm getting new glasses, which will be pretty awesome. I watched the most recent season of Doctor Who, and I finally saw the last Harry Potter film. I'm getting ready for Christmas (though I've by no means gotten even close to starting Christmas cards this time around). School work is winding up but I have oh so much to do. I've been playing a bit of Zuma (Popcap games) on the computer as I got a free download. I'm horribly behind on checking email in my contest/everything else account.
I'm still stressed, as noticed by my desire to stay in bed as long as possible. I haven't been exercising as much as I would otherwise like either… but hopefully I'll get back into the groove too.
But I'm totally excited about Christmas, about gift purchasing, about volunteering, and about finishing the very last of my coursework for these degrees (I hope to accomplish that much this month anyway). Now I had better get back to my chores… laundry is calling!