Life doesn't slow down — and I like it that way! :)

The last few days have included a multitude of fun adventures… and I'm still totally psyched about school starting for me tomorrow!
Friday I spent the morning with Heather, which included productiveness like sending out my mail and spending time with a great friend, eating lunch, and enjoyably shopping for Bridal gowns for her… such fun! I'm always so recharged when I spend time with my awesome friends!
Saturday was an internet-catch up day (I'm finally on top of my email!!) and when I finally got through my junk/contest entering email account, I discovered that I'd gotten a $40 gift certificate for the A&E online store and so I also ordered the Pride & Prejudice DVD special edition (which I haven't yet seen!) for absolutely free including S&H!
Sunday was a crazy busy day at work (everyone's going back to school or work so they're back in town and ready to refill their fridges!). Right when we were at our peak of busy-ness, one of the customers blacked out so I had to deal with that — but it really made me feel confident about our emergency response system when the firemen and EMS people both showed up within minutes.
And then today — I got my Tetanus Diptheria Booster (my shoulder is sore), saw a doctor, and went to my first Kiwanis meeting of 2007… and am looking forward to Jackie's Joy Luck dinner! 🙂

Totally a great start to the year!