The Downtown Farmers Market

Sometimes me thinks that I miss out on way too much of the good things. But today, I went and enjoyed once more. For the first time, I went and checked out the downtown Edmonton Farmers Market. It's small, but cozy located in the street in front of Mezza Lunas (my fave local latin club) open on Saturday mornings (this being one reason why I hadn't gone yet… if I'm up Saturday mornings, I'm usually busy). Now, the fact that the weather is beautiful today helps muchly. And the fact that I somehow kept from spending too much money also helps (I bought mini cheesecakes and pyrogies… I would have bought some veggies and fruit… but decided against it (and they fortunately ran out of raspberries before I went back for them… thank goodness! Otherwise I would have surely spent much more!). I'm glad that they have so many yummy free samples. It really helps, especially since that way I know that I won't be buying cilantro laden food for example… and sometimes I find out that something I was considering is really really good. Also it was rather nice to have some good samples of foods that I keep neglecting to have/make/buy for myself due to cost/effort etc.

In any case things are going well… and my lunch (since I had samples, I just cooked me some baby potatoes and seasoned with cheese) is yummy. Off to work with me!